Hello Katiemo followers! I hope you’re well, even in these trying times. Well February is finally here – what a long month January was! I have been very busy this last month as I am in the process of launching my rebrand – Katiemo is changing Katiemo Wellness! Check out my new logo...

The Importance of Downtime
There are places around the world, where people are living well into their hundreds and claiming to be some of the happiest. These places are called Blue Zones: Ikaria in Greece, Okinawa in Japan, Sardinia, Loma Linda in California, and the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. The lifestyle of the people living in these locations has a few things in common. They have an abundance of sunshine, eat locally grown organic food, are close to the sea, and experience a very strong sense of community. They take time out to be calm and enjoy life. It sounds so simple.
Yet, in many parts of Europe and America, so many of us are experiencing chronic stress, which causes mental and physical health problems. It is estimated that in Britain, 79% of adults experience some work-related stress. Anxiety and depression are rampant. Now, more than ever, it is essential to introduce wellbeing practices into our daily lives and prioritize downtime. Rituals and habits that bring us back into the present moment, and our bodies into a state of calm, can add years to our lives.
So, what can we do? Headspace is a great place to start the practice of meditation. Introducing just ten minutes a day can help alleviate stress and anxiety. Practising yoga for twenty minutes a day, especially yin yoga which calms the nervous system, can help create a sense of ease in the body. Cooking a healthy, organic meal and taking time over it is also a meditative practice. The food we put into our bodies has a great effect on our health and wellbeing. And spending time with loved ones (which, right now isn’t possible due to the pandemic, but it will be) is so important for our mental and physical health. In Susan Pinker’s TED Talk, she claims that the key to a longer life is a good social network.
Life doesn’t always have to be about productivity and success. We can slow down, be more aware of the present moment, soften our step and breathe more deeply. Allowing things to be as they are, eating a wholesome diet, stretching the body, and laughing with friends are all essential to a healthy life.
The elderly women of Okinawa meet daily to sip green tea and gossip about their lives. This space to connect and communicate is a form of healing for them. It is a place to vent the struggles in their lives, and have others to share them with. By taking time to be with friends and just talk, we release stress in our bodies, we feel less alone, and ultimately, we are better off for it. There is a lot to be said of good food, friendship and a little bit of tranquillity.

I have been creating a range of hand painted soap dishes which include luxury organic geranium & orange handmade soaps. Also available are hand painted tealight holders with tranquility scented candles – a relaxing blend of lavender, orange & ylang ylang, perfect for meditation.
The first edition of my book ‘Therapy for Stress, Anxiety & Depression’ is now sold out! But fear not! I have just received delivery of the second edition pictured below (left).
The book features mental well-being exercises and coping techniques to help overcome stress, anxiety and depression.
Go check it out at katiemowellness.com!
There will be lots of exciting things to come, but first, I have a brand new website, go check it out at katiemowellness.com! Here
you’ll see that I am focussing my brand
on mindfulness and well-being,
it has been going in that direction for
some time now so I thought it was time
to freshen up my look! Many
new products are already
available, including the T-shirts
featured below (right). These
are the first of many T-shirts to
feature positive affirmations
and wellness slogans