How to Find Meaning in Our Everyday Lives
Our modern-day culture breeds hectic and busy lives. If we haven’t got a list of things to do,
it can feel as though something is wrong. Yet, amongst the busyness, we are all stressed and
burnt out. There needs to be a balance between doing and being. The pandemic has slowed
everything down but mixed with the anxiety surrounding lockdown, many of us haven’t
been able to relax.
Megan Dalla-Camina is a best-selling author and women’s mentor. She teaches women all
over the world how to step into more fulfilling and empowering lives. In her book, Simple
Soulful Sacred, Dalla-Camina highlights the core areas in our lives that are essential for
meaning and purpose. These areas are simplicity, livelihood, wellbeing, comfort,
soulfulness, consciousness, sacredness, courage, womanhood and sovereignty.
What do we want to create in our lives for more purpose, abundance and passion? Making
space for what’s important is the first step. We are stretched in so many directions. In
today’s world, women often try to do and be everything - have a good career, be a wife, a
mother, a daughter, a friend. We often end up with so little time for ourselves, for our true,
authentic selves. So, what can we do to tap into our inner wisdom?
We can simplify our routine, clear clutter and create daily rituals. Clearing out what no
longer serves us has a ripple effect on the rest of our lives. Clearing out items we don’t
need, emotions that hold us back, and situations that drain our energy can be liberating.
Marie Kondo is a Japanese organisation consultant. She helps people to clear out and tidy
their homes, creating more time and space in their lives for their loved ones. What can you
let go of today?
What about work? Do you feel a sense of meaning and purpose in the work you do? If we
follow our curiosity instead of the voices of society and people around us, we are more
likely to find meaning in our work. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi believes that it isn’t money that
makes us happy, but doing activities that bring about a state of ‘flow’. In his TED talk, Flow,
The Secret to Happiness, he explains that this ‘flow state’ is when we are in the present
moment, completely absorbed in the task or activity, almost losing our sense of time. And
isn’t that what we want in our work? Make a list of five things you’re curious about. Try one
of those activities this week. Who knows where it could lead you.
We can choose a daily wellbeing practice, such as a morning meditation, a daily run, or a
healthy breakfast. The act of choosing what really matters to us is the first step to a more
authentic life. To go inwards, we must listen to our inner voice. Keeping a daily journal and
writing what arises after a morning meditation can be an excellent way to start living a more
soul-aligned life. Being connected to our inner guide allows us to live from the heart, and
not the ego. Practising present moment awareness, gratitude meditation, rituals, and
simplifying are all steps to find meaning in our everyday lives. These ceremonies also help us
to stand in our feminine power, choosing the life we want, instead of what others want of
us. And the world needs more authentic women living their most abundant, truest lives.

Well spring has finally sprung! What an inspiring time to get creative. I have been painting more soap dishes and tealight holders with spring and summer influenced flora and fauna. BBelow are some photos of the painting process...Painting in some of my favourite colours, influenced by Mexican Folk Art...
Pictured left is my latest tote bag design. ‘Be the peace you seek’ Buddha yoga bag comes in Cornflower Blue and Coral.
Buddhism as well as yoga recognises that there is suffering,
and that freedom from suffering is possible.
With techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things, there is no searching - we are, and can be,
the peace we seek.
I have re-stocked a few of my most popular wellness products including Jamaican Pineapple Eco Soy Wax Melts and mixed fragrance Chakra incense sticks which come in seven variations. Each variation represents one of the seven chakras; Strawberry for Root, Orange for Sacral, Lemon for Solar Plexus, Mint for Heart, Lavender for Throat, Blueberry for Third Eye and Blackberry for Crown. Each pack also includes a wooden ash catcher. Head over to the Wellness section at katiemowellness.com
to find out more.